It’s Not No
It’s not the first time that, in France, historical rivals have joined forces to avoid the worst, even putting aside their differences and pride temporarily. Unfortunately, this example was not followed in Brazilian lands in 2018, when our largest left-wing party, deprived of its leader and candidate, refused to unite with its traditional center-left rival. Learn from the French, comrades!
Santiago Artur Wessner

Under the Rubble
In France, the far-right advances with the cooperation of neoliberalism, which has deteriorated income, jobs, and given a kick in the teeth to workers, rewarding them with a meager retirement. All to serve the great capital and in front of a left-wing with an identity crisis in its public policies, anemic in its ability to reject the populist policy against immigrants, compared to a “rat” that threatens jobs and salaries of the children’s home, as the extreme right-wing does, in a kind of re-edition of Goebbels.
Williams Costa Cantanhede

This subject is often treated as if it were a ray of sunshine on a clear day. The resurgence of right-wing extremism in Europe and the rest of the world is just an old tactic of capital. When it feels threatened, it doesn’t hesitate to resort to fascism, wars, and deepening crises.
Mendell Barreto

All or Nothing
It’s time for the PT to understand its historical role in composing fronts that prioritize the strengthening of the progressive field, and not just the affirmation of its own party. It’s wise and mature to know how to yield when possible and necessary.
Ludmila Rosa

Duda Salabert is the best chance for the left to reach the second round. It’s essential to remember what’s at stake. Responsibility and political maturity are fundamental at this time, Rogério Correia.
Eliana Sant’Anna

You represent me. If I could, I’d vote for both, but we’ll only have a chance if there’s a single slate.
Cris Souza

The Drama of the Empire
No empire is eternal. The US has entered decline. Its strategists have failed in geopolitics, trying to reach China and isolate Russia with economic blockade and military encirclement of NATO. With nuclear power, you don’t play games. Before, they had tried to strike at democracy in Brazil and undermine the political strength of India, aiming at the BRICS. They failed. The dilemma facing the Empire is between provoking a nuclear war, where no one survives, or accepting a bipolarity in geopolitics with Eurasia. There is no alternative. The election in the US reflects this decadent political landscape. On one side, a chronic liar, antidemocrat, genocidal, and corrupt. On the other, a failed neoliberalism imposed by coups and wars, under the leadership of a politician with proven traits of senility.
Antonio Negrão de Sá

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Governo Lula,

Last Update: 18/07/2024