Discussions will focus on taxing the super-rich and combating hunger

The Rio de Janeiro is starting a week that justifies its self-proclaimed title as the Capital of the G20 (Group of 20). Until Friday (26), there will be high-level meetings between economic authorities from the member countries, as well as events with social ministers. One of the highlights will be the pre-launch of the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty.

On Monday and Tuesday (23), the meeting of representatives of finance ministers and central bank presidents from member countries will take place. The meetings are part of the Finance Trail, the arm of the G20 that deals with economic issues such as international taxation, taxing large fortunes – known as super-rich – financial inclusion, reform of multilateral development banks and macroeconomic issues. The event is being held at the Windsor Barra hotel, in Barra da Tijuca.

Coordinator of the Finance Trail of the G20, Ambassador Tatiana Rosito, Secretary of International Affairs of the Ministry of Finance, is one of the names representing the Brazilian delegation in these first two days of meetings.

The delegations of the countries will participate in conversations to draft a joint document that will be delivered to the finance ministers and central bank presidents, who will hold meetings on Thursday (25) and Friday (26). The content of the Finance Trail will be one of the most important topics of the G20 summit, on November 18 and 19, also in Rio de Janeiro, bringing together heads of state and government from G20 countries.

The G20 deals with global growth and development through the strengthening of the international financial architecture and opportunities for dialogue on national policies, international cooperation and international economic-financial institutions.

In 2024, the presidency of the G20 will be held by Brazil. It is the first time that the country will lead the discussions of the multilateral group. One of the novelties suggested by the Brazilian government is the G20 Social, a movement to make various voices of society relevant in the debates that will reach international leaders.

As a way to put social participation into practice, civil society was invited to speak during the meeting on Monday. It is the first time that this has happened in a meeting of finance ministers and central bank presidents. Besides the 13 engagement groups of the G20, representatives of the Council for Economic and Social Development and leaders of Brazilian favelas that make up the F20 (Favelas 20) will participate.

Global Alliance against Hunger

In another part of the city of Rio, the Galpão da Ação da Cidadania was chosen to host the ministerial meeting of Development, which integrates the Sherpas Trail, the more political side of the G20. The meetings begin today and will have the presence of the ministers of Foreign Affairs, Mauro Vieira; of Planning, Simone Tebet; of Cities, Jader Barbalho Filho; and of Racial Equality, Anielle Franco.

Also at the Galpão da Cidadania, on Wednesday (24), one of the highlights of the week will take place. With the presence of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the pre-launch of the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty will be held, one of the priorities of the Brazilian presidency of the G20.

The Brazilian government wants to put together a set of actions to end global poverty, which involves forms of collection and distribution of resources, as well as exchange of successful experiences. On the same Wednesday, the latest edition of the report “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World” from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will be released.

The location is symbolic, as it is where the non-governmental organization Ação da Cidadania, founded by sociologist Herbert de Souza, also known as Betinho, in 1993, is located. The organization is one of the main names of civil society fighting against hunger in the country.

The week will also include bilateral meetings. For example, the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, will have meetings with authorities from the United States, the United Kingdom and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), known as the club of rich countries.

During the entire week, the headquarters of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) will host an international event of the G20 Development Working Group. There will be seminars with representatives of governments, academics and international organizations. Among the attendees, names like the elected president of the European Council, former Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa, and former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.

Group of 20

The Brazilian presidency of the G20 will last until the summit in November. The G20 is composed of 19 countries: South Africa, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, United States, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, United Kingdom, Russia and Turkey, and two regional organizations: the African Union and the European Union.

The members of the group represent around 85% of the world’s economy, more than 75% of global trade and around two-thirds of the planet’s population. The next presidency of the group will be held by South Africa.

Information: Agência Brasil.

Categorizado em:

Governo Lula,

Última Atualização: 22/07/2024