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Bolsominion in São Paulo?

Can Bolsominion be defeated in São Paulo?

by Valerio Arcary

The extreme right exploits all the fears and anxieties that fragment society


The latest DataFolha survey, conducted in the first days of July, did not bring significant changes in popular moods, as 55% of the population has not yet decided who to vote for. The mayoral elections have not yet attracted the attention of the majority. The main novelty of the campaign was the confirmation of Colonel Ricardo Mello Araújo as Vice to Ricardo Nunes and his alignment with Bolsonarism.


Therefore, we have time to make a campaign. The margins of uncertainty exist. Marxism must inspire good science, or prudence in forecasts. And social class behavior has much of the unpredictable. But regularities exist. And respond, first of all, to the primacy of fears. Which fear will be greater?

The extreme right exploits all the fears and anxieties that fragment society: It scares the middle-class workers with insecurity, alarms the evangelicals against imaginary persecutions, terrifies the small property owners against the communist danger, frightens the conservative middle class against feminism, the black movements, and LGBTQI’s, and haunts the elderly with the denunciation of disorder and corruption. In short, it wages an implacable ideological struggle: it lies, confuses, and poisons.

Valerio Arcary

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Governo Lula,

Última Atualização: 07/07/2024