We are NATO and we’re coming to get you

by Pepe Escobar

We are the world. We are the people. We are NATO. And we’re coming for you – wherever you are, whether you like it or not.

Call it the latest pop interaction of the “rules-based international order” – aptly baptized on NATO’s 75th anniversary in DC.

Well, the Global Majority had already been warned – but the techno-feudal minds tend to be reduced to mush.

A gentle reminder is necessary. This had already been declared in the first paragraph of the Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation, issued on January 9, 2023:

“We will mobilize even more the combined set of instruments at our disposal, whether political, economic or military (my emphasis), to pursue our common objectives in the interest of our billions of citizens.”

Correction: not a billion, but a mere million, part of the 0.1% plutocracy. Certainly not a billion.

Cut to the NATO Summit Declaration of 2024 – obviously written, with mediocrity shining, by the Americans, with the due consent of the other 31 vassal members.

Here’s the main trifecta “strategic” of NATO for 2024:

  1. Dozens of extra billions of dollars in “assistance” to future Ukraine; the overwhelming majority of these funds will circulate through the industrial-military complex of money laundering.
  2. Forced imposition of extra military spending on all members.
  3. Exaggerated hype about the “China threat”.

As for the theme music of the NATO show, there are two. Besides “China Threat” (end credits), the other (opening credits) is “Free Ukraine”. The lyrics are roughly this: it seems we’re at war with Russia in Ukraine, but don’t be fooled: NATO isn’t a participant in the war.

Well, they’re even setting up a NATO office in Kiev, but that’s just to coordinate the production of a Netflix war series.

These malevolent authoritarians

The Norwegian epilogue that’s coming out as NATO Secretary-General – before the arrival of his Dutch successor Gouda – made a fine presentation. Highlights include his fierce denunciation of the “growing alliance between Russia and its authoritarian friends in Asia”, such as “authoritarian leaders in Iran, North Korea, and China”. These malignant entities “all want NATO to fail”. So there’s much work to be done “with our friends in the Indo-Pacific”.

“Indo-Pacific” is a gross invention of the “rules-based international order”. Nobody in Asia, anywhere, has ever used it; everyone refers to Asia-Pacific.

The joint declaration blames China directly for fueling the “aggression” in Ukraine: Beijing is described as a “decisive facilitator” of the “war effort” of the Kremlin. NATO’s scriptwriters even threaten China directly: China “cannot allow the greatest war in European history to take place without it having a negative impact on its interests and reputation”.

To combat such malevolence, NATO will expand its “partnerships” with “Indo-Pacific” states.

Even before the summit declaration, the Global Times was losing its cool with these inanities: “Under the exaggeration of the US and NATO, it seems that China has become the ‘key’ to the survival of Europe, controlling the fate of the Russia-Ukraine conflict as a ‘decisive power’.”

The rhetorical circus in DC won’t work in Beijing: the Hegemon only wants to “get closer to Asia, trying to establish an ‘NATO Asia-Pacific’ to help achieve the ‘Indo-Pacific Strategy’ of the US”.

The Southeast Asia, through diplomatic channels, agrees essentially: except for the Filipino misfits bought and paid for, nobody wants a serious turbulence in Asia-Pacific like the one NATO unleashed in Europe.

Zhou Bo, senior researcher at the Center for Security and International Strategy at Tsinghua University and former ELP official, also downplayed the traps between the Indo and the Pacific before the summit: we had an excellent exchange of ideas on this at the end of last year in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Regardless of what happens, the Exceptionalist will remain in overdrive. NATO and Japan agreed to establish a line of “highly confidential security information”, 24/7. Then, count on the mild Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to reinforce Japan’s central role in building a NATO Asia.

Everyone with a brain, from Urumqi to Bangalore, knows that the leitmotif throughout Asia is “Today Ukraine, Tomorrow Taiwan”. The overwhelming majority of ASEAN, and hopefully India, won’t fall for it.

What’s clear is that NATO’s 2024 declaration is, in fact, a renewed declaration of war, hybrid or not, against Eurasia – as well as Afro-Eurasia (yes, there are promises of “partnerships” advancing everywhere, from Africa to the Middle East).

The Eurasian integration process refers to geoeconomic integration – including, crucially, transportation corridors that connect, among other latitudes, northern Europe with Western Asia.

For the Hegemon, this is the greatest nightmare: Eurasian integration removing Western Europe from the US and preventing that eternal wet dream, the colonization of Russia.

Then, only Plan A would be applied, with absolute cruelty: Washington – literally – bombed the Russia-Germany integration (Nord Stream 1 and 2, and more) and turned the vassal territories of the European terrified and disoriented into a potentially very dangerous place, right next to a Furioso War.

Then, once again, we’ll all go back to the first paragraph of the EU-NATO Joint Declaration of January 2023. This is what we’re facing today, reflected in the title of my latest book, Eurasia v. NATOstan: NATO – in theory – totally mobilized, militarily, politically, and economically, to fight against any forces of the Global Majority that might destabilize Imperial Hegemony.

Pepe Escobar – Independent geopolitical analyst, writer, and journalist

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Last Update: 12/07/2024