Postponed the signing of the concession contract for BR-040, between Belo Horizonte and Juiz de Fora, in the Zona da Mata mineira region. A court in Brasília granted an injunction responding to a request from Via 040, which remains responsible for the highway until the transfer of administration to the Infraestrutura MG consortium, which won the auction. Via 040 returned the section to the Union, which held a new bidding process, allowing the winning bidder to take over operations and begin investments in the 232.1 km stretch. The tender includes a R$ 8.7 billion injection into the highway over the next 30 years, covering expenses for the execution of 164 km of road duplication, additional lanes, marginal roads, overpasses, and other improvements. (photo/reproduction internet)

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Última Atualização: 03/07/2024