Rumor – Claudia Sheinbaum gave a speech against US imperialism and defended the unification of Latin America.
A text attributed to Mexico’s President, Claudia Sheinbaum, has been widely shared online. In the alleged speech, she criticizes the United States for promoting coups and exploiting Latin American resources. The message advocates for political and economic unity among the region’s countries, similar to the concept of “La Patria Grande.”
The content attributed to Claudia Sheinbaum has gone viral on social media and ideologically biased websites in both Spanish and Portuguese. Read the story in Portuguese and Spanish:
· BROTHERS, LET US NOT BE MISTAKEN: THE ENEMY IS THE SAME TO THE PEOPLES OF OUR INDOAMERICA · From; Claudia Sheinbaun, President of Mexico Why does imperialism want to see us divided?* Because it knows that together we are invincible. The United States, a power that dresses up as a democracy while exporting coups d’état, has sunk its claws into our land with a clear strategy: divide in order to plunder. In Chile, it financed the coup against Allende to impose Pinochet and give away copper to its corporations. In Nicaragua, it armed the Contras to drown the Sandinista Revolution in blood. In Venezuela, it unleashed an economic war and criminal sanctions to steal oil and subdue a people who dared to look to the future with sovereignty. In Brazil, it used Lawfare to imprison Lula and stop the rise of the poor. In Bolivia, it supported a coup against Evo Morales to hand over lithium to his transnationals. In Cuba, it has maintained a genocidal blockade for six decades, punishing a people who chose to be the masters of their destiny.
From the burning lands of the Rio Bravo to the raging waters of Tierra del Fuego, we are one people, one soul woven with the threads of resistance, dignity and shared dreams. The Patria Grande is not a utopia: it is the heartbeat of our history, the living memory of those who fought to see us free, from Tupac Amaru to Bolivar, from Marti to Che Guevara. It is the territory without borders where Quechua, Spanish, Portuguese, Guaraní and all the original voices merge in a chorus that sings: Unity! Every open wound in a country is an attack on all. Imperialism does not fear isolated governments: it fears united peoples. They have imposed treaties on us that privatize water, health and education; they have militarized our territories to control resources; they have manipulated the media to sow fear and individualism. But their most lethal weapon is to make us believe that we are enemies, that the poverty of one is the fault of the other, and not of the system that bleeds us dry.
The Great Homeland is the answer. It is the embrace of solidarity between the Argentine worker and the Colombian peasant; between the Mexican teacher and the Venezuelan engineer; between the young people who demand justice in the streets of Peru, Ecuador or Honduras. It is understanding that the independence of Haiti, achieved with blood in 1804, is as much ours as the victory of Ayacucho. It is knowing that when Paraguay was massacred in the War of the Triple Alliance, it was not only the Paraguayans who lost: we all lost. United we are not victims: we are titans. The Zamba de Vargas, the battle of Carabobo, the cry of Dolores, the Mapuche resistance, the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, the Zapatistas raising their voices in Chiapas… Each struggle is a link in the same chain that today calls us to break the chains. Sovereignty is not negotiated: it is defended. And to defend it, we need a political, economic and cultural union that allows us to exchange without depending on the dollar, to produce food without agrotoxins, to educate with liberating pedagogies and to protect our Amazon as the lung of the world.
*Brothers, let us not be mistaken: the enemy is the same. * While Wall Street speculates, our peoples starve. While Hollywood sells us false idols, they bury our identities. But we have something that they will never have: the certainty that history is written by the people. Today, when neoliberalism recycles its face with false promises, when the Fourth US Fleet watches the Caribbean and military bases multiply in Colombia and Brazil, it is time to shout with one voice: Enough interference! Enough plunder! Let UNASUR re-emerge, let ALBA grow, let CELAC be our shield. Let us organize popular assemblies, our own communication networks, regional currencies, armies of teachers and artists that awaken consciences. Because true independence is achieved with education, organization and love for our neighbor. *We are the generation that can make the dream of San Martín and Manuelita Sáenz come true. *Let us not wait to be rescued: let us be the trench, the poem, the seed. Let each neighborhood, each factory, each classroom be a free territory of the Great Homeland. Long live a united Latin America! Until victory always! Because in our union lies strength, and in our struggle, freedom.
The speech circulating on social media has gained attention, but several elements indicate that it is false. Let’s address the main questions in the fact-check:
Did Claudia Sheinbaum, President of Mexico, give the speech about US imperialism and Latin American unity?
There is no official record of Claudia Sheinbaum making this speech. No reliable sources, such as government websites or major newspapers, have published this statement. Furthermore, the same text has been attributed to other Latin American leaders, such as Colombian President Gustavo Petro, reinforcing the suspicion that it is a fabricated content.