A Secretaria Estadual da Educação (Seduc) do Rio Grande do Sul está planejando fechar algumas escolas públicas da rede estadual de ensino que foram danificadas pelas enchentes que atingiram o estado desde o início de 2024. A secretária estadual da Educação, Raquel Teixeira, declarou que a decisão ainda não foi tomada durante uma reunião na Câmara Temática de Educação do Conselho do Plano Rio Grande, na tarde de segunda-feira (8).

Nearly a whole public education network was affected by the floods in the Gaúcho territory. While some schools were completely destroyed, others were damaged and need repairs before reopening. With the disaster that hit Rio Grande do Sul, many families, including, have moved away, and their children have been enrolled in public networks in other states.

However, in the face of this destruction, the government of Eduardo Leite (PSDB) chooses to destroy public education even more instead of ensuring that students can return to classes. This is an advance in his project to privatize public education in Gaúcha, which was also expressed through a public consultation on the concession of schools in the state network.

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Governo Lula,

Última Atualização: 10/07/2024